David Bryant's Guest Book

I'm sorry, but the dynamic guestbook feature that I was using when AT&T was hosting my web site is no longer available since I switched to Covad. These are the guestbook entries from the old site. If you'd like to contact me, please send me an e-mail message at davidbryant@att.net. Who knows? If I feel energetic one day I just might add your message to this web page!

Name: Ron Pavellas
Email: rpavellas@gmail.com
Web Site: http://pavellas.com
Date: Wednesday February 17, 2010 21:43:38 GMT
Thanks for your comment on my blog article on "intellectual." I've approved it for posting.
Best wishes,
Name: Louis Gervais
Email: louis_gervaais@hotmail.com
Web Site: http://louisgervaisonline.com/pers
Location: Halifax NS
Date: Friday January 29, 2010 16:15:39 GMT
Was just wondering if you are the David who wrote the Z-80 PHIMON for the DIGITAL Group Software system
Name: Thad Jackson
Email: jtjackson@cba.ua.edu
Web Site: http://Mises
Location: Tuscaloosa AL
Date: Saturday August 22, 2009 06:32:02 GMT
Great site. Thank you. I was looking for a translation of a term in Human Action when I found you.
Name: Stephanie Muck
Email: StephanieMuck@hotmail.com
Location: Mission Viejo CA
Date: Wednesday April 22, 2009 21:29:07 GMT
Dear Mr. Bryant,
Hubert Stanley Wall was my grandfather. I don't know much about his academic career, but if you would like to email me with any questions you may have regarding family history, please feel free to do so.
Stephanie Muck
Name: Brady Farrand
Email: bradyfarrand@yahoo.com
Location: Piedmont CA
Date: Tuesday March 20, 2007 18:41:27 GMT
Googling random names in the Freshman Class Mug Book, I just ran into you. Does anyone from Caltech remember me? I left for Berkeley in my Sophomore year, never to return. And most of my time at Caltech that year was spent off-campus (rooming with Dave Brin and two other Lloydies) and hanging out when on campus with the girls of Dabney.

I am a semi-retired User Interface architect, with one wife and two kids. I was at Xerox when graphical user interfaces were being devised, then lots of other companies to spread the gospel. My academic interests have faded over the years. My contacts with folks from Caltech have dissolved similarly. Where are you now, and what are you doing? I hope all is well for you.
Name: David Bryant
Email: dgb454@msn.com
Location: MI
Date: Tuesday June 27, 2006 19:47:15 GMT
Found this page doing a search for me.
Name: Kevin Day
Email: kevinday@yahoo.com
Location: Cupertino CA
Date: Monday July 07, 2003 05:31:19 GMT
Fantastic. The assistance it gives in reading Human Action is very valuable. Thanks.
Name: Sara Wilson
Email: spockcat@pagosa.net
Location: Pagosa Springs CO
Date: Monday March 17, 2003 15:31:29 GMT
Good Work!
Referred By: Ari Armstrong
Name: Villate B. McKitrick
Email: shillate@aol.com
Location: Buffalo NY
Date: Sunday March 16, 2003 02:44:16 GMT
Hi Dave - I wanted to take a look and see what you've been up to. We are doing well here in NY. I have visited with a few Libertarians here, but they haven't been very active this winter, and the party is not officially recognized in NY. I'm hoping for some political action this spring. Drop me a line if you have a chance! PS We had our second baby, a son named Spencer, on October 9.
Referred By: Ari's Colorado Freedom Report
Name: John A Lappart
Email: frmjal@pctc.net
Location: Holyoke CO
Date: Thursday March 13, 2003 19:00:14 GMT
I haven't read through it yet, but knowing David it will be excellent. If not, I'll come back and correct this!
Referred By: The Devil Himself
Name: Gary Autrey
Email: gaut41@msn.com
Location: Denver CO
Date: Thursday February 27, 2003 20:48:00 GMT
Pretty nifty, Dave. I am impressed
Referred By: Dave Bryant
Name: Dixie
Email: liberty@xrrc.com
Web Site: http://dixie.envy.nu/letter.htm
Location: CO
Date: Tuesday February 11, 2003 17:50:02 GMT
I will be coming back David. I have been wanting to read about Austrian Economics. I just don't have the time right now I have been busy, your pages are clean & sharp. Keep up the good work.
Referred By: a link
Name: Ralph Shnelvar
Email: ralphs@dos32.com
Web Site: http://ralph@shnelvar.com
Location: Boulder CO
Date: Tuesday February 11, 2003 17:12:04 GMT
I came, I saw, I'll look some more.
Referred By: David Bryant
Name: Gregg Miller
Email: gregco@attbi.com
Location: Arvada CO
Date: Saturday January 25, 2003 14:53:19 GMT
I'm learning to mention Austrian Economics more in my daily life. So far it's a good conversation stopper, but perhaps someday it will become part of common language - and common sense. Gregg
Name: Vic Jones
Email: jvjones47@usa.net
Web Site: http://www.humanaction.net
Location: Austin TX
Date: Wednesday January 22, 2003 02:38:21 GMT
Great looking site, David. I really like the idea of providing the synopsis of Human Action. It will definitely help people who approach reading it. It is an overwhelming work to behold at first sight. I also came across FEE sometime back and receive updates from them time to time.
Referred By: dcb
Name: Walter Schlomer
Email: w_schlomer@free-market.net
Web Site: http://www.colorado.blogspot.com
Location: Denver CO
Date: Monday January 13, 2003 18:01:05 GMT
Keep up the good work.
Referred By: dcb
Name: Michael T McKinzie
Email: mtmrn@prolynx.com
Web Site: http://huh?
Location: Pine CO
Date: Monday January 13, 2003 04:58:27 GMT
Hi, David!
Referred By: You
Name: Steve F. Gresh
Email: sfgresh@juno.com
Location: Colorado Springs CO
Date: Saturday January 11, 2003 04:15:36 GMT
You should have links to games. Here's one of my favorites:

Referred By: David C. Bryant
Name: Rand Fanshier
Email: rand@fanshier.com
Web Site: http://www.fanshier.com
Location: Evergreen CO
Date: Saturday January 11, 2003 00:49:58 GMT
You have improved the readability and the quick depth of understanding through the use of the selected hotlinked words, very nice. I love the stuff you write about, it seems like you are at the cusp of it all, much I read was new to me, and I printed a copy for the back of the toilet to read again later.
Referred By: David Bryant
Name: Dave Zimmerman
Email: davzimm@excite.com
Location: Denver CO
Date: Friday January 10, 2003 23:01:43 GMT
Interesting pages but missing the pop-up ads and "click here for a good time" stuff.
Referred By: db